It's All Good - Week #91

Howdy yall, what's happening!! 

Life is good out here in Indiana, Clarksville is a lot different than I thought it was gonna be, but it's going good. 

-we had a basketball night a holy crap if popped off. We invited some of the college guys that are around here and they brought 30-50 other guys so we were running it up!!

- we popped a tire today so that was exciting!! Headed over to big O you already know.

- transfers was crazy I think all of my comps that are still in the mission were getting transferred, kinda wack stuff. 

Being in a semi-English area is kinda wack ngl. I realized I really like Spanish and Hispanic people. Clarksville has a lot of...people going through it to say the least, and I've got my work cut out for me these next 5 weeks. 
Te amo

Ft. Elder Black and me after we passed out from 109° pickleball


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