It's All Good - Week #90
Holy moly what is up?? The clock is ticking down for me over here in Indiana which is crazy!! This week was Transfers. Ya hate to see it but I'm moving away from jasper for my last Transfer. I'm going to Clarksville. I do be a bit bummed ngl but it is what it is. We figured out that on my mission I've gotten at least 1 new companion every Transfer, which is insane
The week was solid. Goodbyes kinda are the worst but I did a little better this time around. I'll miss jasper for sure but I'll be back some time.
We had some bomb lessons with yunior and found a bunch of new people to teach. We were invited to a baby shower for one of the lady's in the ward, so that was pretty cool. And lots of other stuff happened as well.
Jesus loves ya!! See you all in 6 weeks 

Te amo
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