It's All Good - Week #76
Howdy yall. I'm back, crazy, I know. Honestly this week was kind tough, not any real reason, but it was. But when life gets tough, the tough get going. Iyktyk.
Anyway we had a pretty awesome week full of lessons, which is always good.
Tuesday Shawnee went swimming In their car, to bad the car didn't like that and killed its self. But hey it's all good. It was lowkey a miracle bc after we dropped Shawnee off, we had an amazing lesson with David we wouldn't have if they hadn't drove their car into a lake. 

Wednesday was pretty cool, we kept going with lessons to that family that we found last week.
Thursday we had some awesome lessons and basketball night witch is getting pretty big.
Friday we had Disco, bunch of solid lessons, soccer night. Also side note, shoe goo is high key goated. That stuff doesn't seem like it should work and then works miracles. Amazing!!
Saturday we grinded lessons all day and they were pretty fuego ngl!! Also my sister got engaged!!!! What??!?!? OK very cool!!

Pretty awesome Sunday too, Aldo and Wayner gave me a couple sweaters so that's mega sweet!!
I think this week we just totally spent grinding stuff out that I never stopped to smell the roses at all, I just kinda went. I didn't take the time to make sure I was going solid, and to really show and be grateful for all the blessings in my life. It's kinda ironic bc that what I focus on the most normally. So that's what I'm going to do this week!! I'm going to stop and smell all the roses, ok probably not all of them but you get what I'm saying..
Make sure you take your vitamins, and drink your water, if you getting your wisdom teeth out make sure everybody takes pictures bc it's really funny and you'll remember it forever!! Also haha Jesus still love ya
Te amo
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