It's All Good - #80
Howdy do y'all!! How was the good ol' week?? Like come on, are we serious, the Bidgeinator gave ya a invitation, promised some blessings, and followed up and you still didn't have a good week?? Ok.Not cool.
Anyway haha the week was pretty awesome except for the parts where It wasn't.
So we had some amazing lessons and found a bunch of people. English classes went great.
And then Grecia broke up with us
so she was our highest progressing person, she's literally perfect. She's got the most adorable little boy Rommel, and she's doesn't want to join the church. The most golden person I've ever met. Big rip. We literally keep seeing her around town and it was the worst. We just keep loving her! So if y'all want haha you should pray for her.

But we found some cool people too. The members are awesome out here. We went in exchanges and tried some 6 million spicy thingy, honestly not as bad as the habanero in the eye. William only pulled up to church one. So the week was great!! I love jasper!! Jesus loves ya!!
Te amo
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