It's All Good - Week #48
Hey everybody. Its transfer week, and ya bou is moving away from Lex. I'm going to Louisville, and I genuinely have no idea what to expect. They swapped up areas and languages, district and everything else you could imagine. I'm with other elder Petersen so...there's that. Well let run through my last week in Lex.
Tuesday we literally contacted for so long it felt like, we were running around all day. Then we stopped an swapped the car with the hermanas. Which turns out we wouldn't get until like 5 on Saturday and then we switched back after we were riding bikes all this week.
Wednesday we had some fun lessons with some cools people, and some drunk guys. Then we got to go to Winchester, which is like a 30 minutes drive, to eat dinner with every Honduran from our Rama. It was dope ngl. And then we took the scenic route on the way home...loved it

Thursday we rode around teaching and preaching again like we do. The boys also bought us street tacos and that was awesome!! Love them fr fr.
Friday was a pretty dope day...we were able to stop by luis y solimar. And we popped them on a night soft bap date!! So sick!! With the help of chava we gave a lady a blessing. We had a decently busy night, but not set in stone. We got out of a lesson at like 6:05 and it started pouring rain, like the streets were flooded...and were just chilling here with bikes. So we rode in the rain, it was kinda fun ngl. We were completely drenched. Then we had volleyball night and that was it.
Saturday was solid, we had a few lessons then went to Texas Rhodehouse...which is always a good time.. then we pulled up for some more lessons. Then soccer night. And in the middle of soccer night we got the call that I was leaving. So you know I had to pop off and I didn't lose. Anyway I'm headed to Louisville again, and it kinda just is what it is. I Love Lexington, and the Rama, the people, so its defiantly a hard goodbye. Nobody else in the district is leaving so that's kinda a RIP. Only 1 other person in the zone is even changing up. But it's all good...all the boys and Eduardo sent me the most heart felt messages afterwards. Literally made me tear up a bit. So I little rough on the goodbyes this time around.
Sunday we managed to wake up Luis and Cindy and they pulled up to church!! It was sick!! I said a final testimony, with no idea I was going to give a final testimony, and I don't think it was too bad. We had stakes at the Bobadilla's, grill masters over here. We had little party with both of the Herrera families at night and it was a good time.
Man change is hard and can totally suck some times, but if there wasn't anything good out of it, we wouldn't do it. But there are far greater things ahead of us then anything we leave behind. Which is saying something bc I'm about to leave Lexington behind. I truly do love Lexington and the people here. Everyday was a blessing. I never really cried during transfers or saying goodbye my last 2 areas, but this one hit different. I'm excited to go and find what the lord has put in my path.
Stay positive, stay humble, stay grateful, always pray, always smile, always have fun and work hard, And always love Jesus!!
Te amo
Ps shout out to ridge who his his year mark!! Your killing it big guy.
☆also my new addy is
7417 Apartment 6 Patrick Henry Court Louisville, Kentucky 40214☆
Just in case 

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