It's All Good - Week #37
Howdy, y'all. What's up! How's the week been? I hope it was well with everything. My week was pretty poppin.
So Tuesday, we said peace out to elder hall, And we all rode on down to transfers in Nortes van, and said bye to Elder Bird. RIP. It's kinda weird, both of my trainers are now out of the mission ( birds home and Brandner's in Mexico). Everybody will miss my man Pajaro. Anyway we pick up elder Spencer and headed on back to good old Lex. We basically only did English class, but it went well. Even did some yoga with Beaumont, definitely wasn't the same 
Anyway, so Monday during ward correlation, Hmo Bobadilla said he wants to star a soccer Saturday for Latinos. So we said, heck yeah. So all week basically we are hyping up volleyball Fridays and soccer Saturdays.
So Wednesday we hit up so many people in Alexandria it was insane. It was solid but not much spicy stuff went down.
Thursday we had disco, and we made some fliers for the sports nights. And got roll on over to Keeneland and Versailles. We had a awesome lesson with Inconocio, except this one stretch of like 3 minutes I couldn't stop sneezing. So that wasn't the best but my comps clutched up and while I was l slowly dying, they learned about the price of horses. Which is a lot.
So Friday has finally come. Its volleyball night. We spent most of the day hyping it up at local tiendas, contacts, and any other way we could. We actually had a pretty popping squad show up, we had more than enough for 4 full teams, my man Saudid, Eduardo, Rone, and the Herrera's showed up! It was pretty awesome ngl. Plus playing volleyball is also fun. We told everybody about the soccer Saturday, and Eduardo said he's bring his whole outdoor team. So we were probably going to get rocked.
Saturday, we got a call from the zls asking us to help with a move, bc they couldn't be there. So us and Notre hustled over and did the easiest move I've done on my mission. Don't get me wrong there was a lot of stuff, but all of it was clean and manageable, so it all really wasn't that bad. The chicas old apartment did feel like she lived in the middle of a catacombs tho. Afterwards the YSA president bought us all 5 guys so that was awesome!! We got some contacts in, and then went to Texas Roadhouse an hour before soccer night. Man I think Texas is one of my happy places, idk what it is...its probably the rolls...but it's just amazing!! Then we went on over to soccer night, we had a few people show up but Eduardo and his team didn't end up showing. Ya hate to see it. But it was fun and nice and light, n refreshing.
Sunday had a nice opportunity to partake in the sacrament. Always a pleasure. Then we had dinner with Yisell with Notre and he made pretty good burgers and hotdogs. Which is a lot different from the Latino food we've been eating for a while. Finished the week off with some more contacting and that's a wrap folks.
I don't really have anything else, have a fantastic memorial day. Enjoy life, bc it is so good!! Anand yeah. That's it, love y'all
Te amo
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