It's All Good - Week #30
Holllaaa todos!! This week was a straight party literally and figuratively. It was also the last week in the transfer and I'm staying in Baja for another one. I'm loosing both my comps elder smith and elder simonson. Owensboro and Utah respectively. I'm getting Elder Christensen who has served in Ola and Jasper so that's wild. He came out with me. Anyway onto my week.
So Tuesday I made my comps watch the priesthood session bc we missed it last week and gotta day those talks were pretty fire. We also had our last English class of the transfer so imma have to clutch up tomorrow.
Wednesday wasn't anything to special. We did finally have our first ward correlation bc Hermano Bobadilla got called as the branch mission leader. We showed up on time and no one was home so we called Hermana Bobadilla and she told us to walk to the we did all 8 missionaries just zooming down this pathway. Elder Stansworth broke his ankle so he was dying after the short walk over their and elder bird doesn't like exercise.. then Hermano Bobadilla called and said oi where you guys at? He was at the house. So that was fun!!
Thursday chava (the Bobadillas son) got home from his mission in Alabama, he said bye to Elder Lincavage and hello to Elder Petersen. Anyway we helped set up for a little party at a pavilion. Which was nice. We also spent a little time with the Caballos.
Friday was a Solid grind. We hit up like 7 cookouts and got a different form of cooked up cactus at everyone of them i swear. It was pretty cool and a few people were down for our message too which is awesome!!
Saturday was a busy day. We woke up and hustled and got ready, then helped Armando set up a tent and the birthday party for his 1 year old daughter. She was adorable. The tent was pretty big and Armando kept talking to us about wack stuff, so it took a minute but we got it done. Played with the kiddos a bit, twas a good time. But then we hustled home and had a few lessons in the rain...and then hustled over to the priesthood party to set up and start grills and stuff....which apparently started at 6 not 5. Whoops. President Lazzaro was their though and he's dope. He's from Cuba, raised in the Bronx and then moved to Miami. Then to Lexington for some reason, he loves making fun of people and loves it more when you throw it back at him a little which is kinda fun in Spanish. But the party was fun with the branch, except I lost one of my Hackie-sacks after Stanworth didn't make it over the roof of the pavilion. Ya hate to see it. Twas nice tho. Then...we promised Armando we would show up to the birthday so we ran to that. Got some more food so we were stuffed. Said hello. Has a good day.
Sunday we had yet another party after church for chava and the leaving missionaries. Talking to the branch was loads of fun. Next 6 weeks is going to be sweet. We also had some fun at the Bobadillas. Sooo....this is a long story. So the sister are there at 5:30 and were at 6:30, we showed up a bit early and so were all there. Today is the day they're feeling us habaneros, the sisters didn't want to do it so...I said I'd eat one if they both did. They argued and so I had to eat 2. So...we starting eating them and hooo man that's bad man. Elder smith wanted to be the man so he ate 4 of them and then spent the next 2 hours in the bathroom, so imma let him have that. My biggest oof what that I whipped out my mask bc I didn't have a napkin and ended up getting super spicy in my eye. So that's was the absolute worst. But my bowels and mi ojos took it like a champ and a few minutes later I was chilling. Then we shoved cake in Simonson and Smith's face so that was pretty therapeutic ngl.
It was an awesome week. It probably didn't seem like it was very spirt filled but we had loads of lessons that were amazing and tons of great people. You gotta stay on the grind.
I Iove yall. Happy birthday to my man Trevor. Love you!! Hope you all had a good week!!
Also..I totally forgot. All the Spanish areas in my mission are going no ties. President sent out the message and we were like
it feels kinda weird ngl though.
Te amo
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