It's All Good - Week#24

Life is popping off right now, it's been good. But what's up everybody!! How y'all doing. 

Transfers are tomorrow, and you know how I've been saying Louisville is great!! Well now I gotta leave. Our area is getting pink washed bc 19 sisters are coming in to the mish. Soo ya boi is going to the best Spanish area teaching wise in the mission, Lexington Baja. Kinda hyped ngl, but also I'll miss Louisville, it really is awesome. 

Any way some highlights for the week

Tuesday, we had taco night with Okolona and man I love tacos, mmmm soo good. Also I have almost perfected my taco meat making skills so. 🍽🍽

Wednesday we did service at the foodbank with the Woodhaven sisters for like 5 hours. This was our like 5th time and now we are friends with the old lady's that work on Wednesdays!! They were spilling all the tea and telling us how to make really good soup, and where the best country dancing spots were. I'll miss them. Also had a amazing lesson with susy, who I also will miss.

Thursday was more service at the food bank bc they had truck coming in. So the lady's were gone so that was a rip, but still a good time.

Friday we had district council and cleaned our area book.

Trunky Saturday we learned we were both dipping, so we started cleaning the apartment, and contacting but yeah. We also helped our ward mission leader move and he got us taco bell so that was a dub. It kinda sucks bc we were building a relationship with the youth but both of us are leaving so :/ but it was chill.

Sunday we said bye to the ward, and deep cleaned the apartment. This apartment is probably the 2nd worst in the mission and I feel so bad that sisters have to come and move in. Even after we cleaned everything and spiced it all up it doesn't look great. So well see what happens. We also had a host hands event! So that was nice. 

Today was the best so far. Except for packing again, but still. We went to the Louisville Slugger museum and I was a like a little kid in a candy shop, I was smiling the whole time haha. It was the best!! We also have been exploring Louisville downtown a little bit more and it's pretty dope. 

I'm pretty excited for another good area but also expected to stay in Louisville for a bit longer. But gods got that plan and it's been pretty solid so far, so we have to keep trusting in him and follow his guidance. I've been really just living my best life for the last week and I really hope that continues with the weather getting better. 

I love y'all, I'll send my addy next week just in case anyone wants to send me some hi-chews.

Te amo



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