It’s All Good-Week #28

Heyoo, que tal!! This week was kinda poppin and I really liked it. Kinda jumped out of a slump and got my mojo back a bit. So that was nice.

Got to do some walking around and had a big ol English class on tuesday. 

Wednessday wasnt the best but it was solid. Honesty I dont really remeber it. 

Thursday was awesome and the worst at the same time. We helped then GOAT members move, the bobadillas. The problem is they live on the third floor...and they moved to the other side of their appartment complex on the third floor, and they had a lot of stuff. 3 couches, a bunch of tables, washer, dryer, and more motto mention all the boxes of pots and pans bc he is a professional cook. Holy crap, we walked up and down those 40 stairs so many times. On Tuesday we worked from 10 a.m. to about 5 ish. Then we went out and contacted at Keeneland. 

Friday was interviews with good ol pres. Twas a good time. One of the sisters brought legos for a mini training which was lowkey kinda hype. Pres walked in and was so confused to see everybody playing with legos trying to figure out what we were supposed to build with out the instructions. Then after at 12 we stopped by the bobadillas again expecting like a quick lol grab of the washer and the dryer. Nope. We were their moving in pros clothes for another 5 hours. Also not to roast my companion but elder simonson doesnt know how to carry anything up stairs...and washers are heavy, if you see what I'm getting at here. My calfs were popping. 

Then on Saturday guess what we did? That's right we helped a body builder with a full scale gym in his garage, move. Bet you guessed that one. On the real that man is so nice and has got an amazing life. He works in cancer research and competes as a bodybuilder when he can. Hes also got a max bench of 525 but anyway from 8:30 to 2 we moved weights and furniture into a truck, out of the truck, and set up the gym in his garage. It acually was really fun, the guy has a great personality and it was fun talking to Tarzan for 6 hours. But I took a big nap after three day of moving let me tell you. 

Sunday was our super special sunday service for Domino de Ramos, and elder bird didnt want to play the piano. He was panicking and I told him I would play. Jokes on my I was playing 4 hymns and I havent practiced sience before christmas. So it didnt go as well I wanted it to but all the homie in the ward told me good job. We also had 6 homies at church so that was awesome. We got to go eat at the bobadillas and no matter what they make it's a banger. 

My poco spiritual thought comes from a plabra in spanish. It's the bastar. Its direct translation is "to be enough." I think that's a banger if a word, to be enough. That's awesome. On the spiritual side of things you are always enough for god, no matter how many mistakes we make, little goofs and slip ups we have, we will always be enough for jesus christ and heavenly father. They love us in good times and in bad, and through those bad times and the time of hurt, we are enough, and that's good enough for me.

Love yall hope you have a good week. It also was Emily's b-day this week so happy flipping birthday emwan. Hope it was good.

Te amo 
P.s I realized you cant even tell shawn is abosleulty massive in these pics, just imagine arms that are bigger than my future...Chiste of course....bit they were massive 👀👀 bigger than luke even 🤣


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