It’s All Good - Week #26

This week was sooo dope. Like incredible. Superb. Ext. We did tons of service and I had exchanges with my Zls elder riley who is a straight homie. 

So on wednesday this lady that elder amata told me about, Ingrid, called and told us she wanted her storage shed rearranged. So that's exactly what we did for 3 hours. It was kinda a confidence booster be she was yelling stuff in Spanish, and the other new ish elders didnt know what she was saying, so she turned to me and said those elders dont know how to speak spanish. I wasnt going to break it to her that I dont either but hey you win some and you lose some right. 

So Friday we went on exchanges with my boi elder riley. Hes dope man, he played soccer, loves to snowboard. Just a homie all the way around. The Zls area is also the YSA at UK. So that was refreshing talking to people around my same age. We also basically planned the entire batesville flood clean up for the missionarys. 

So that's the next thing. Recently in eastern kentucky they're has been massive floods. Like 500 year storms that just obliterated people houses. So friday we bought gloves and set up all of the missionarys with locations and info to work all saturday and sunday. So all saturday that's what we did. We grinded cleaning out houses that were literaly covered in mud. Every basement floor that we went to was full of mud. Everything soaked. It was awesome having the chance to help these people take a step in the right direction through   this disaster. Helping someone improve their lives is always an opportunity we have to take. 
Here's some fun pics from saturday. It was the Freaking best!! I loved it. 

Sunday we all got told by president that we should go and continue helping out, he said this was more important than going to church. But my comps didnt want to. But I made them at least go for the first little shift. We ended up passing the sacrament at the little meeting we had before and that was pretty cool. I've never passed the sacrament wearing bascketball ball shoes, shorts and a hoodie haha. Then we went to the same house we were at yesterday and I was put in charge of the fire to burn all the old mans wood stuff, or anything else he accadentaly threw in there. We only stayed for about 2 hours but I could have stayed and helped out all day it was amazing. It really was an amazing experince. I'll probably load up on the pics this week.

Te amo


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