It's All Good - Week#23
Heeeello,,what's happening? This week was solid as always, had Zone conference, winter storms, and other fun stuff!!
Monday we dropped Reyes off and played around in the snow a bit.
Tuesday we mostly stayed inside all day due to icey conditions, but we hung in their and messed around some more in the snow.
Wednesday was zone conference, and it was a combined zone conference!! So we had 2 zones there and that made it a lot better. We learned some awesome things, and learned that half of all the reassigned missionaries in our mission are going to be gone in about a transfer. Wild!!
I'm going to need to practice my Spanish.
Thursday we were basically stuck in side all day again. But we had a solid time.
Friday we tried to have lesson with Susy, but fell and broke herself. So sister Phelon had some extra sticky notes so we heart attacked her door. Good stuff!! We had a couple extra granola bars in our van so we dropped those off too, except sister Phelon thought we were absolute idiots bc our sticky notes we were better than her's..yep pretty sure that was it.
Susy does apparently make really good lasagna.
Saturday we took some vids for the Spanish Kentucky cover page, 
so watch out for that. We also had a few actual lessons so that was the best!!!
Sunday Iglesia was great, we had second hour because our branch is small enough. Half of the congregation is missionaries. T'was a good time. We also tried a bunch of Cuban and Argentina drinks at this one dude house and they did not mix well in my stomach hahah.
Shout out to Remi who got married this week!! That's freaking awesome!! Also my grandpa died this week. That was like a whole 180 in the conversation, but Richard. I'm sure he's got all of his toes now. Also, I think Kenna starts the MTC this week so that's exciting!!
Te amo
P.s. all of the videos we took of the snow are to big to send in an email, so here's this instead.
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