It's All Good - Week #3 In The Field

Conference weekend slaps!! It really do be popping off. This week went by so fast I don’t know what happened. Genuinely it feels like yesterday was p-day.

We had some awesome moments this week with miracles, and some people who we don’t understand, but we love them anyway. We’ve gotten so many referrals, but they all live like 30 miles away. So we are just eating up miles every day. But it really is an awesome feeling when we call them up and they actually sound interested, and the Lord really had prepared them for us.

I had a lot of thoughts while watching conference. We watched it in the chapel with 3 other people on Saturday and just our trio on Sunday. I think conference is extra spicy as a missionary. It could be that it’s just a new day and it’s something different, or that as we share the message of the gospel, our love for the prophets and apostles grow exponentially as we see what amazingly wonderful influence it has on others’ lives. We have incredible people that we are teaching, and incredible members to help teach them. Each one’s connection with the gospel and Jesus Christ is a miracle in its self.

Anyway the constant theme of conference at least to me, was that hard is good. I have gained a stronger testimony than I thought possible by the challenges I have had to overcome. The calamities and triumphs I have had in my life has created the man, and the testimony I have today. Continually living my life the way Heavenly Father wished me to do and becoming who He wants me to be and knows that I will be is extremely comforting. It might not be easy, but it will be worth it. Through principle and patience, diligence and practice, my faith through Jesus Christ can make an angel on this side of the veil for somebody else. I can become the missionary the Savior knows I will be.

So conference was awesome!! The week was pretty solid and we’re killing it out here.

The little special things for this week are: conference, Germans, taco bell, naps, a groove, rings, English don de lenguas, confidence, feeling effective, pregnancy, growth, piano, 3 dinners in one night, surprise e-mails, dentists offices, the radio, the bible, nice ladies, president Maxwell, president Holland, president Hinckley, and president Nelson.

My Spanish message for the week is:

a medida que crecía, la expiación se ha convertido en una gran parte de mi vida. Jesús Cristo murió por cada uno de nosotros personal. él sabe exactamente por lo que estamos pasando. también sabe exactamente cómo lograremos superar cada desafío.

I love hearing from you guys each week and I’m super grateful for your support and love.

Te amo


Also C’enna her call. She is assigned North Carolina Raleigh mission leaving in February woop woop. Also were going to 3 baptisms next week so yaga!!!

Haha love yal


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